Friday, August 05, 2005

Tropical Reefs

No, this isn't Washington, DC.

We're back at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago!

A transom, and detail below, above the revolving door at the entrance. The image in my blog backdrop also came from a door here. The area is sheltered by a set of glass doors now, but seeing that the metal turned green makes me wonder if it used to be exposed to the elements.

See, on the other side, the metal is still shiny.

Anyway, this is the main lobby. More architecture inspired by the French and Washington, DC.

Now to the tropical reefs...

Clown Fish

This particular tank, I had a hell of a time trying to get the fish in focus. But sometimes the blurs came out looking interesting, anyway.


This weekend I'll post pictures of penguins. Maybe photos of the Palmer House lobby and Buckingham fountain, etc. if I have time, or else that can wait for next weekend.

Baseball returns on Monday.


At 8/06/2005 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you found Nemo!

(This comment courtesy of the Obvious Joke Society.)

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