Friday, April 15, 2005


Today the star of Catblogging is none other than the kitten, Isabella.

Something lurks on the horizon...

On the prowl...

Playing in my lap...

Izzy toasts El Presidente and his VP, and Batgirl upon her blog's first anniversary

Back in the clubhouse with Ornette (looking to escape) and O'Malley


At 4/15/2005 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, it's really sweet to see O'Malley is letting Izzy rest next to him (touching him even!) like that. Lucy, Ellie, & Ravel would never let Sophie do that. :( They are so mean to her. (OK, Ravel has a good excuse. But she really does try to be friends with L & E.)

At 4/16/2005 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have two grown-up kitties and a kitten, and so far one tolerates the kitten just fine but the other is letting it be known she'd like to eat her. Kitten, of course, doesn't care one bit.


At 4/16/2005 4:47 PM, Blogger frightwig said...

Notice how O'Malley has his back to the kitten. If she's behind him, he can tolerate sharing his space with her better. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess. The other night while he was asleep, Izzy even managed to sneak up and lie down on top of him for awhile.

However, Ornette, the cat who never met a creature he didn't like, the cat who couldn't stop purring even while at the vet this morning, is still very stressed by the kitten invasion. Right after I took that photo above, he hopped on the microwave to get away from her. Today we took him in for an exam because the stress seems to be affecting his litter box habits.

The calico girls hiss and growl when Izzy gets close, but that's understandable. They like to be left alone, and she likes to jump on them and play chase.

At 4/16/2005 4:49 PM, Blogger frightwig said...

Kristi, btw, note the knitwear in the first photo! :)

At 4/17/2005 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The photos are real good. I have always liked black cats. Orange ones too.

Looks like O'Malley has the right idea. Just ignor the little pest and maybe she will go away. I feel sorry for Ornette but he should be able to tolerate Izzy in 6 months when she grows more sedate. He just needs to know that this too shall pass.

Ornette is welcome at our house if he needs a break. We have a black Tom cat that would be a good friend of his. Either that or send for reinforcements. I know two cats (Ross and Henry) that would have fun chasing her.

Izzy better watch out. She may be caught in the Mariner neck band that she is playing with. Would that make her a cat fish if she got caught?


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